Radhi Rasho

Radhi Rasho

Hello, I am Radhi Rasho, a Full Stack Software Engineer who enjoys crafting web applications that solve real-world problems. I have a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge, so I never stop exploring new technologies and learning new skills. I thrive on challenges that push me out of my comfort zone and help me grow as a developer.

I'm currently working at Sandhills Global . I have a Associates Degree in Computer Science from Southeast Community College.

When I'm not coding, I'm usually playing video games, watching anime, listening to music, working out, or spending time with friends and family.

In my free time, I like working on computers, such as building custom PC's, or repairing already built ones with new components. I find it interested how different parts work together, to do amazing things.

Feel free to check out my projects  or contact me  if you'd like to get in touch.